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Auf einem Tisch liegt ein großer, gelber Pfeil, auf dem "Download" steht, © Mathias Rosenthal | stock.adobe.com

Download area for forms

Here you can download various forms relevant for examinations in pdf format. 

Note on registering your thesis: Please submit the completed registration form ("Anmeldeformular") as well as the completed form for admission requirements (depending on examination regulations and course of study) to the examination office. Please hand in the completed Laufzettel-form ("Bestätigung zur Vorlage beim Prüfungsamt") to the examination office after handing in the thesis and before the certificate is issued.

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Registering your Bachelor thesis



Admission requirements for the Bachelor thesis according to the examination regulations:

BSc Biologie

BSc Biowissenschaften

Erziehung Bildung und Unterricht (.zip-Datei)

2-Fach Bachelor (.zip-Datei)

Registering your Master thesis


Application for admission to the Master’s thesis Nanosciences


Admission requirements for the Master thesis according to the examination regulations:

MSc Biologie

MSc Biowissenschaften

MSc Nanosciences

Admissions Requirements Nanosciences

Lehramtsstudiengänge (.zip-Datei)