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Biology - Osnabrück University

Welcome to the website of the biology unit at Osnabrück University! Our research activities cover a wide range of biological disciplines. Our range of courses includes both research-oriented and teaching-oriented courses, in which basic principles from the entire spectrum of biology are taught.

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Science for a future worth living: Exhibition in the Botanical Garden


How can light energy be converted into chemical energy with the help of metal complexes? How do plants adapt to different environmental conditions? And what can we learn from mice about depression? Questions like these are the focus of a poster exhibition in the Botanical Garden, in which the various research groups in the School of Biology/Chemistry offer an insight into their diverse research from May to October.

Heart research in fruit flies: DFG funding for the Zoology group


The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster measures just two and a half millimetres - and its heart is only the size of a pinhead. This tiny organ is the focus of a research project by the RG Zoology (head: Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat), which is being funded by the German Research Foundation with a postdoctoral position and material resources. Specifically, the researchers are investigating the development and function of heart valve cells.

Christian Ungermann smiling at the camera.

Biochemist Christian Ungermann elected as member of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences


Founded in 1652, the „German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina e. V.“ is the oldest academy of science in the world that has existed without interruption. As Germany's National Academy of Sciences, it advises politicians and the public on scientific issues and represents German academia on international committees. Admission to this society follows scientific excellence and is thus a very special honour – which has been awarded to Prof. Dr. Christian Ungermann, head of the Biochemistry section. He will be the only scientist from Osnabrück University at the Leopoldina.

Professional exchange in a historic setting: International conference on development and regeneration in Osnabrück


The annual conference of the German and Dutch societies for developmental biology (GfE & DSDB) took place in the Osnabrück castle from 12 to 15 March 2024 under the motto "Development and Regeneration". The programme included presentations by 53 researchers from Germany and abroad – including Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard.

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Banana, sugar cane and more

Host: Elke Jädtke
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 18.07.2024 3 pm

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Scientist (m/f/d)
Research Group Molecular Cell Biology, SFB 1557
Employee in the Administrative Service (m/f/d)
Dean's Office, Department of Biology/Chemistry
Scientist (m/f/d)
Research Group Ecology

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Other useful links

Our research

Our research profile covers a wide range of biological disciplines. Here you will find an overview of the different research groups.


Our curriculum includes both research and teaching-oriented courses that teach fundamentals from across the spectrum of biology.

Science goes public

At the "Osnabrücker Wissensforum", researchers from the university answer questions from interested citizens. Here you can find a selection of contributions of Osnabrück Biology scientists.

University & schools

For many years, the Biology unit at Osnabrück University has supported schools in designing modern biology lessons with the two projects "Explain-OS" and "NaT-Working-OS".