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Hände halten Buchstaben hoch, die das Wort "Willkommen" bilden, © Markus Mainka | Fotolia

Information for prospective students

Thank you for your interest in studying biology at Osnabrück University! On this page you will find information about our study programs. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our student advisory service.

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Our range of studies:

Research-oriented study programs

Here you will find information about our research-oriented Bachelor's program "Biology", the polyvalent Dual Major Bachelor's program as well as two Master's programs.

Teaching-oriented study programs

Here you will find information about our teaching-oriented study program, divided into school types: "Grundschule", "Haupt- und Realschule", "Gymnasium" sowie "berufsbildende Schulen".

Further information: