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Roland Brandt stands at a lectern, next to him is a poster with the words ‘Für eine Zukunft ohne Alzheimer’.

Handover in the Scientific Advisory Board of the Alzheimer's Research Initiative: Roland Brandt takes over as chairman


The “Alzheimer Forschungsinitiative” (AFI) is the largest private sponsor of Alzheimer's research in Germany. Since its foundation in 1995, it has distributed over 16 million euros for research. From next year, Prof. Dr. Roland Brandt (RG Neurobiology) will take over the chairmanship of the initiative's Scientific Advisory Board.

The AFI's Scientific Advisory Board decides on the distribution of funding together with the advisory boards of its sister institutions in the Netherlands (Alzheimer Nederland, AN) and France (Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer, FVA). At a ceremony with donors at the Humboldt Innovation Forum in Berlin in July to mark the presentation of this year's research awards to the award winners, Roland Brandt, who will chair the advisory board in future, bid farewell to the previous chairman Prof. Dr. Thomas Arendt (Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig).

Two men smiling at the camera.

The former chairman Prof. Dr. Thomas Arendt (left) and the future chairman Prof. Dr. Roland Brandt.