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Is studying biology something for me? What the University Information Day 2024 was like
Osnabrück University's annual information day took place on 21 November. Once again, the Biology unit offered all interested pupils a range of information lectures, hands-on stands, guided tours of the Center for Cellular Nanoanalytics (CellNanOs) and taster lectures to find out more about research and teaching here.
On University Information Day, Osnabrück Biology opened its doors to pupils at 9 am. In the ralks given by student advisor Dr. Oliver Ambrée, participants had the opportunity to find out about the courses on offer in Biology and ask themselves the question: Is studying biology something for me? In the subsequent Q & A sessions with Dr. Oliver Ambrée and Dr. Lars Langemeyer (student advisors), Dr. Florian Fiebelkorn (head of the Biology Didactics group) and Sebastian Holt (Biology student council), the interested pupils were able to ask personal questions about a possible biology degree course at Osnabrück University.
Hands-on stand of the iBiOs Electron Microscopy group with prepared samples for electron microscopy and 3D printouts of 3D microscopy images (Photo: Dr. Laura Elpers | Osnabrück University).
A variety of hands-on stands with small experiments gave the pupils an understanding of current research at Osnabrück Biology. They were also able to get to know some of the research groups, including Biochemistry, Botany, iBiOs Electron Microscopy, Microbiology, Molecular Cell Biology, Behavioural Biology and Zoology). The interactive programme was rounded off by a student-oriented exchange with the biology student council in the form of a Laboratory Olympics.
Hands-on stand of the Microbiology group: Microscopic examination of bacteria with stained flagella for locomotion (Photo: Dr. Laura Elpers | Osnabrück University).
Hands-on stands of the Behavioural Biology and Zoology research groups: Materials for behavioural tests carried out in Behavioural Biology, as well as macroscopic and microscopic examinations of flies and genetically modified fly mutants bred in Zoology (Photo: Dr. Laura Elpers | Osnabrück University).
Hands-on stand of the Molecular Cell Biology research group: Interactive series of experiments on cell membranes with digital components (Photo: Dr. Laura Elpers | Osnabrück University).
The guided tours of the CellNanOs research building, which were led by Prof. Dr. Arne Möller, Dr. Katherina Psathaki and Dr. Rainer Kurre, were a recurring highlight this year. Participants were able to take a look inside the laboratories and at the state-of-the-art light and electron microscopes, which is otherwise not easily possible.
Meeting point for the guided tour through the CellNanOs research building with the head of the Structural Biology research group Prof. Dr. Arne Möller (Photo: Dr. Laura Elpers | Osnabrück University).
In addition to the offer of taster lectures as part of events from the basic modules Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. Christian Ungermann) and Genetics (Dr. Knut Jahreis), this year for the first time the pupils were also able to learn more about a possible biology degree course at Osnabrück University in the „Aula“ of the castle – an offer that was very well received.
We were delighted with the pupils' interest in Osnabrück Biology and hope to see some of them again as students on our campus in the future!
Learn more about the degree programmes offered at Osnabrück Biology