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Great honor: Osnabrück University researchers elected to the board of developmental biology society
In the future, two researchers from Osnabrück University will be steering the fortunes of an important bioscientific society: The members of the “Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie” elected Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bartscherer as the new chairperson and Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat as a member of the board.
How do tissues, organs and whole organisms develop from individual cells? This is the central question of developmental biology, which also plays a major role in the work of Kerstin Bartscherer (RG Animal Physiology) and Achim Paululat (RG Zoology). In order to promote and coordinate research in this field, researchers from German-speaking countries have been organized in the “Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie e.V.” (GfE) since 1975.
In the GfE's almost 50-year history, Kerstin Bartscherer is only the third woman to become chair, after Edith Knust and Nobel laureate Christiane Nüsslein-Vollhard. "We still have a lot to do when it comes to equal opportunities and participation for women and minorities," says Bartscherer. "I've made it my mission to change that."
In addition, as chair, she particularly wants to inspire young scientists to join the society. "Many don't know that we offer a great summer school. In addition, we award prizes, for example for the best doctoral thesis, but more importantly, you can build networks that last a lifetime of research."
The regular hosting of a large, international conference is also part of the GfE's activities. In March 2024, this will take place in Osnabrück, organized by Bartscherer and Paululat - a great opportunity for Osnabrück Biology students to gain first conference experience.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bartscherer and Prof. Dr. Achim Pauluat have been elected for the term 2023/2024. The other board members are Prof. Dr. Salim Seyfried from the University of Potsdam (vice chairman), Dr. Maja Matis from the University of Münster, and Dr. Thomas Thumberger from the University of Heidelberg (administrative office).