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"Wild bees of the Madeira and Canary Islands archipelago"

Diversity - Evolution - Flower visitation

The Madeira banded bee (Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae) approaching the Porto Santo viper's bugloss (Echium portosanctensis).

The different biogeographical regions of the world show a different abundance of wild bee species. Oceanic islands and island archipelagos such as Madeira and the Canary Islands have a special position. The lecture will characterise the habitats and wild bee diversity of Madeira and Porto Santo in addition to the biogeographical features. Remarkable species and also "island anomalies" will be presented. Why Madeira and Porto Santo have a completely different species composition of wild bees, although they are only 45 km apart, is explained. Using a sand bee species group (Andrena wollastoni group) as a model, the colonisation of the Canary Islands and the Madeira archipelago from North Africa is traced, as well as the processes of island-specific speciation.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 6:30 pm

Referents: Prof. i.R. Dr. Anselm Kratochwil, Osnabrueck University and Prof. i.R. Dr. Angelika Schwabe-Kratochwil, Technical University Darmstadt
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal

Admission is free. A donation would be appreciated.

Do you have any questions? Phone +49 541 969 2739

Botanical Garden Programme 2024