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Talk by Ursula Rescher

Title: "Endolysosomes shaping plasma membrane functionality – dynamics of microdomain formation"
SFB Seminar
Start: 04.07.2024 4:15 pm
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201

About the speaker: Prof. Dr. Ursula Rescher conducts research at the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation, University of Muenster

Abstract of the talk: The dynamic remodeling of the plasma membrane is a vital aspect of how cells respond to environmental and pathological challenges. This process is particularly crucial in endothelial cells, as an adhesive cell surface is required upon pro-inflammatory stimulation. Unique lysosome-related endothelial storage organelles fuse with the plasma membrane and ensure the timely delivery of leukocyte-attracting proteins. Focusing on how these mechanisms shape specialized plasma membrane platforms, we uncovered several factors that control the loading of the leukocyte-attracting components onto these organelles.