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The Green School invites you...

"Summerfeeling in the Botanical Garden" - Garden tour with cocktail

Friday, 2 August 2024
Start: 7 pm
Location: Botanical Garden, Green School

At this time of year, the Botanical Garden is lush with greenery, blossoms and fragrances. Join us on a voyage of discovery through the geographical departments, enjoy the diversity of plants and experience the ambience offered by the quarry area with its striking rainforest house. At the halfway point of the event, we will serve you our "Tropical" or "Green Frog" cocktail as well as the non-alcoholic version "Korallenriff", which you can enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere with your circle of friends.

Registration until Friday, 26 July 2024
by phone + 49 541 969 2739 (answering machine) or e-mail: bg-buero@uni-osnabrueck.de
Entrance fee: 15.00 € per person

Botanical Garden programme 2024