Vortrag von Markus Morrison
Vortragstitel: "Killing cancer cells – Suicide signaling and death decisions"
Anlass: SFB - Seminar
Beginn: 25.04.2024 - 16:15 Uhr
Ort: CellNanOs, 38/201
Über den Vortragenden: Prof. Dr. Morrison forscht im Forschungszentrum Systembiologie an der Universität Stuttgart
Inhalt des Vortrags:
Cells are the fundamental unit of life and are exposed to a great diversity of external and internal stress factors. Excessively stressed and irrevocably damaged are removed from the bodies of multi-cellular organisms by molecularly “programmed” cell suicide. Since such suicide decisions are binary in nature (survival vs. death), cells need to be able to appropriately sense and integrate the diversity of stress signals they receive context-dependently and also must be capable of converting them into the execution of strict life/death decisions. We are interested in the fundamental control mechanisms that govern cellular life/death signaling in time and space, the molecular patterns associated with differential cell fate outcomes as well as their link to tumor cell drug responses and patient prognosis. As such, I will offer key examples of our work that address these aspects, as well as novel unpublished data on computationally and experimentally assessing how mitochondria resist triggering apoptotic cell death in cancer cells.